
Ostracism in the Workplace, that Subtle Destroyer

Ostracism in the Workplace, that Subtle Destroyer 1000 619 Surya Ohara

Insidious Forms of Bullying None of the many forms bullying takes could or should be considered mild.[1] When school is over, people keep finding all manner of abuse. One of…

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Solo Travel: Wrong Turns & Buried Treasures

Solo Travel: Wrong Turns & Buried Treasures 1000 750 Surya Ohara

At only just eighteen, with my head full of dreams and the deer-in-the-headlight defiant innocence of an unworldly ingénue, I traveled alone for the first time – a passage to…

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Why I Love Reading and Writing

Why I Love Reading and Writing 1000 1000 Surya Ohara

As kids, my siblings and I had a subscription to the local library but, back then, I wasn’t a literature nerd. To take my pick, I’d flip through the books…

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International Humanitarian Aid: Its Limitations & the Hope It Carries

International Humanitarian Aid: Its Limitations & the Hope It Carries 750 1035 Surya Ohara

India, a Bittersweet Memory In summer 2013, I traveled to southwest India. With a mix of doe-eyed fascination and utter confusion, I soaked up all that was new and foreign…

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Reflections on Gendered Ageism & Beauty

Reflections on Gendered Ageism & Beauty 1000 1085 Surya Ohara

Gendered ageism[1] has been weighing on my mind a lot as of late. It might have to do with the global pandemic adding to a pre-existing sense of impermanence. It…

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Gender Equality: Why We’re Not There Yet

Gender Equality: Why We’re Not There Yet 750 969 Surya Ohara

Trying to Look the Part – Sugar? – No, thanks. A pause. The air thick with awkwardness. His gaze steady, he says, “men don’t like humble women, you know.” My…

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The Calmest Place Sits in the Heart of the Storm

The Calmest Place Sits in the Heart of the Storm 460 682 Surya Ohara

“So don’t be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something…

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Spreading Minor Miracles as a Way to Dismantle Systemic Racism

Spreading Minor Miracles as a Way to Dismantle Systemic Racism 1284 1709 Surya Ohara

Preamble Though I’m writing these words in the wake of the recent uprising against the nth instance of police brutality in the U.S. in a long and revolting history, and…

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The Role of Wonder in Surviving Grief

The Role of Wonder in Surviving Grief 515 656 Surya Ohara

Irrational Thoughts My father’s feet. That’s about the first image that came to mind as I sat down to write my grief story. My dad is eating at the coffee…

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How to Wonder at Otherness and Save our Pale Blue Dot

How to Wonder at Otherness and Save our Pale Blue Dot 1919 1080 Surya Ohara

Preliminary Remarks – This post is so made that you can click on any section you like without having to read the whole post. To further improve its readability, I’ll…

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